David Gold & Associates was established in March 2011 by Lord Gold to provide high-level strategic litigation advice, particularly in relation to settlement of disputes. Often sought out in "bet the company" situations, Lord Gold has wide experience providing advice and support to corporations and individuals faced with serious problems that could result in total business collapse.
Instead of conducting the day-to-day management of litigation, Lord Gold offers to work alongside the clients' existing lawyers to find a solution to the problem. As an additional resource to the team, Lord Gold will review strategy to which he will bring an objective, commercial and fresh approach. He is not afraid to express his views.
This service might be of particular interest and benefit where the litigation is outside the UK and the client is working with local lawyers, where it is felt that bringing in an experienced UK litigator might help achieve a commercial solution or, at the very least, enable the client to be better informed of progress in the action.
David Gold & Associates has advised in relation to a variety of different issues ranging from disputes concerning partnerships, claims against banks, fraud, and contractual disputes.
In August 201o, Lord Gold (then David Gold) was appointed by the U.S. Department of Justice as Corporate Monitor of BAE Systems plc, a role that continued until the end of August 2013.
Corporate Monitoring is a relatively new practice area that has developed in the USA and involves the imposition of an independent third party by a government agency or department upon a corporation to verify that there has been compliance with the terms of the settlement agreement with government. Whilst monitors have been appointed in the UK, this has either been a US appointment (often following an FCPA investigation), because the corporation has some US connection that has provided the US authorities with jurisdiction or the corporation has voluntarily submitted to monitoring. Accordingly, with the approval of the Attorney General and the Court, in appropriate cases the Serious Fraud Office has approved the appointment of monitors in return for a guilty plea. With the passing of the Bribery Act 2010 and the introduction of Deferred Prosecution Agreements, it is likely that the appointment of monitors will increase.
As BAE's monitor Lord Gold sought not only to police the steps that had been taken to reform the company's governance and ethics, he also proactively assisted the company with its change programme so that ethical behaviour became part of the company's DNA to ensure that the changes were permanent and lasting. Rather than imposing ideas on the company, Lord Gold's approach is to partner those responsible for change and to assist them to find the appropriate solution. He pulls no punches and has no qualms in openly addressing problems however difficult it might be for management to recognise the issues.
Lord Gold's advice and assistance has also been requested by a number of organisations wanting to review their ethical behaviour. Lord Gold is now a recognised thought leader and expert in this field. In January 2013 Lord Gold was appointed by Rolls-Royce plc to advise on its governance and approach to ethics. He has since been advising a leading multinational professional services firm on its ethical behaviour and in September 2013 Lord Gold was appointed by Serco plc to monitor its corporate renewal programme and to advise on its implementation. He has recently been appointed to advise an international business group on its ethical renewal programme.